Funny story:
My four year old's preschool Master Teacher is one of my favorite people. She is ridiculously patient, understanding and full of encouragement. She and I have become friends over the years (she also taught my nine year old). She loves to make things, loves to cook and loves to do things differently. She sees the whole WORLD a little differently, I think. We've talked about The Curious Pebble Project several times, and she always says that one of these days... She's going to find one.
So, My husband and I pack up the kids for a quick trip to the beach this afternoon-- I need more pebbles after this "Make a pebble every day for a month" art show gig-- and I grabbed a Pebble to take with me.
No sooner had I placed it in the sand, when I saw someone on the beach walking toward me, and smiling.

It took me a second of squinting into the sunset to see that it was Miss M's teacher.

She was so excited that when she found it, she did a little dance right there on the sand.

She was wearing a bright yellow jacket.

I must have made it just for her.

How fun is that! Congrats to her (Mrs. Teacher)! Please tell me that you took the heart rock with you.