Last night, a dear, dear friend came for dinner - I had been watching her daughter while she endured the most horrendous thing I can think of.
F*&%#ing Chemo. Yeah. I know.
F*&%#ing Chemo. Yeah. I know.
BUT! She came for dinner and to hear how her daughter had fared during her three days away, a day that entailed not only the last day of school for said daughter, but also a pizza party and a Mexican Fiesta at her after-school program. It was a quite a wild couple of days for a 7-year old. And we aren't even talking about the two-day sleepover at MY house with MY kids. That was entertainment in and of itself. Oh, boy.
She came to dinner! I got to FEED her (the sort of thing that makes my Italian heart positively SING), and I got to see her for more than 5 minutes, which is about the extent of how long I've seen her since the Big F*&%#ing "C" reared it's Ugly, Foul head at her AGAIN (That's right. I said AGAIN. See why I'm SWEARING????).
So she came. And we talked and we talked and we talked. We did NOT, however mention the horrible-ness. No. We did NOT. She and her husband (who is also lovely, by the way) stayed for three whole hours... that's THREE WHOLE HOURS that I got to bask in her beautiful sunshine self, albeit a little clouded at the moment, but STILL. I could SEE it.
She's the one I wrote this song about. Listen. It's lovely. As she is.
-Grilled Tilapia brushed with melted butter, parsley and lemon.
-Fresh Green Beans from my Wee Garden (and a few Yellow Wax Beans) with Garlic and Olive Oil
-a simple Cucumber Salad (also from the Wee Garden) with Pineapple Vinegar, Celery Seed and Tomatoes
-toasted Bruschetta with Olive Oil, Pecorino Cheese and fresh basil and tomatoes
-Cut Apples (Suffice to say there is a least ONE simple, cut up apple at every meal I serve. It just IS that way. It's probably my mother's fault.)
-Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream with some Sprouts Market brand Vanilla Wafers. Because I just ran out of steam...
And my friend.
OH WAIT. I forgot what I was writing about....
So, my friend came last night, and I cleaned up the NEST. That's why.
In doing so, I realized that oh, heavens, yes, I need to take some photos and get those pebbles posted on my etsy shop, because they are seriously about to overflow the bowl.... see for yourself. I'm thinking of grouping them and selling them as sets of 3 or 5...
What do you think?
Look! It's (sorta) CLEAN! |
I really need prettier bowl... or two... Although they would have to be UBER special to complete with those lil' baby faces behind them... |
What a brilliant post, I love the red pebble, I still haven't found one.