Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hey! That's a FAIRY! Not a Pebble!

Uh... no.  Not a pebble.  On the other hand, since Miss Fairy and the Alien amigurumis are but two of the things that have been KEEPING me from the Curious Pebble Project (not to mention Making Christmas Happen), I figured I might as well blog about them.  Besides.  They are seriously too cute not to share with the (insert sarcasm here...) utter scads of followers that I have. 

Meet Miss Fairy.  She was kinda-sorta-supposeta be modeled after a Certain Fairy that three year old girls are fond of...

I ask you... What's not to love????  Look at those 'lil fairy ears!

As it turns out, though, the three year old for whom Miss Fairy was intended, and who LOVES that Certain Fairy, does NOT love this one.  Alas.  Sigh.  Of course.  Should have known.

In fact, her immediate reaction on Christmas Morning was (and I quote), "I Don't Like Her. No."

It's easy to say that next time I won't spend spend HOURS creating something out of thin air... But I will.  I know I will.  In fact, I've made dolls for Miss Thing before... The first time, I begged my mother to scan and email a 1970's pattern for a doll that MY mother made for ME.  I sewed and made the tiniest stitches I've ever made.... and.... She didn't like it.  That doll is currently collecting dust on the top shelf of the three-year-old's bookcase as I type.  Maybe someday....

But, I'm hoping that SOMEONE out there will appreciate Miss Fairy.  Right?  Yeah?  Maybe?
Wings made of Stainless Steel TIG Welding Wire (Hey... it's what I had... ), and free-form crocheted.  I'm kinda proud f them....

I even made her some bobble-stitch knees and elbows...

The GOOD news is that Alien (who has yet to be named, but I'm sure my 8 year-old will come up with something either completely bizarre and made up, or ridiculously mundane and simple, like, "Green" or "Alien"), was loved immediately and declared the awesomest thing.  So, Phew.  Score one for Mommy.  And, the kid has good taste - I kinda like him as well: 

Pipe Cleaners on the inside of the eye stems make for really googly Alien fun.

Hey!  There's an Alien in my bed!!!

Regardless of whether or not they are loved by their intended child... Miss Fairy and Alien seem to like each other and are currently hanging out on the piano singing Christmas Carols. 

Oh... why not?

(Admittedly, the Alien plays piano a little better than she does, but don't tell her I said that.)

Friday, December 3, 2010


I have some sort of preshool disease it seems... and while I'm still standing, I'm not heading for the beach anytime soon. So, I've entered into negotiations with myself on my project.  The whole idea that these would be created "live" at the beach is a little beyond me at the moment, so just this once, I did it at home.  On the sofa.  That's the way it is sometimes.  Best laid plans, etc. 

But! My new friends are bright and cheerful, and dare I say, they made me feel a little better?  When the crud has moved on to it's next victim, I'll take them to the beach and we'll get this thing going for real....

In the meantime, a little eye candy:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The "Pebble Panty" Perplex....

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The Trial Run....

How could you NOT want to make something with these rocks???

A few days ago, the kids wanted to hit the beach with their Uncles.  As usual, I was in the middle of a crochet project, and ended up taking it with me to the beach, thinking that I'd get some of it done either in the car, or on the beach or both.  So, I'm crocheting away on my little wristlet purse (turned out great, btw...), when my husband says, "Hey!  You know what?  You should make some of those crocheted rocks while we are at the beach... and then just leave them there for someone to find."  Really?  Um... Ok?  Yeah!  OK!

So I did.  And I took pictures (it isn't "Art" without Documentation, you know)....  However, no one is going to sign the guestbook with this find, if it's found.  Unplanned project and all that... So, whoever found this one has kind of a mystery on their hands.  I can dig it.

Next time I'll bring happier crochet thread. 

Front of the test subject...

Back of the test subject....

Returned to the wild....
(Had I noticed that bottle cap at the time, I WOULD have thrown it away... alas, too late...)

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

Can you see her?  Who will find her?

The mark of the Pebble Bandit

In which she starts making Sweaters for Rocks...

My favorite.  Robin's Egg blue stone with an ecru sweater.  She is so pretty.
Not too long ago, I got completely web-lost following blog links and ended up in an utter tizzy over Margaret Oomen's Covered Stones.  Not one to let such things pass me by, I headed for the nearest beach and loaded a totebag with an array of different shapes, colors, sizes and temperaments (some of them were cranky).   At home, I started free-crocheting and ended up with a whole bowlful of my own (actually, the bowl itself is also mine.  In other words, I made that, too). Of course, mister man comes home and immediately thinks I've lost my mind, and asks why I'm "putting sweaters on those poor rocks?"  But, truth be told, I think he only actually teases me when he actually likes something I've made, and he did finally admit that they were, "well.. uh...interesting".  That's a WIN, kids.  And, I'll take it.

The first group of stone sweater creations.


A little closer...


Did you find a  rock wearing a sweater on the beach?  Somewhere else? Did you keep it? What color was it?  Where did you find it?  Comment below to participate in the Project!  Thank you!